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The featured drawings reflect the time in my life when I really learned how to draw- when I began to really understand how to make sense of a dimensional object on a flat sheet of paper.  Though my current works seem so far apart, these drawings hold a valuable significance in my growth and endurance as an artist.  


Subjects: All have been drawn from representation- live models, landscapes, set-up objects. Only two exceptions are two of the graphite pieces which were drawn from photographs I took.  Some of the objects drawn have been personally modeled out of claystone (head bust, skeleton, cupcake, etc).

Content: Some of the simpler works began as representational studies; while the more complex works feature concepts that take on a grim outlook of society and reference widely relatable topics to my age group at the time (ie. self-image, eating disorders, drug use, etc).

Medium: Majority of the works are done in black conte on a 18x24 newsprint pad and couple are drawn in graphite pencil on 16x20 charcoal drawing paper.  

Duration: Amount of time spent on each drawing ranges from a week to 2.5 months (with an average of 9-15 hours/week.  The more complex graphite works generally took longer (1+ months).







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